Gold Claimer Concentrator

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Water Feed ValvesFor Trommel and Hopper feed control
Revolving Scrubber and TrommelWith positive chain drive
Removable Oscillating Sluice150 impulses/minute
Water PumpTeel cast iron 3950 G.P.H. Water Pump
Variable Speed DriveSingle belt drive for simplicity and reliability
Water Storage Tank100 gallon capacity reserve water storage tank
De-watering ScrewAuger style De-watering Screw
Construction10 GA Steel construction made for industrial use
BearingsSealed Steel Bearings
Dimensions8’L x 5’6″W x 4’6″H @ 850 lbs.
Capacity2 to 8 cubic yards per hour
TrailerMounted with lights, fenders and 4.80 wheels
Engine5 HP Honda Engine



Gold Claimer Concentrator

The Gold Claimer Concentrator is self contained, and with its 2-8 yd/hr capacity, it is ideal for testing gold values or for small production operations.  It’s performance is unequalled to any in its field.  The unique water supply and reclamation unit allows operation where water is not available.Efficiency is a key ingredient!  The hopper has an adjustable water valve to slurry the material prior to entering the trommel.  Lifters tumble the material as it enters the trommel to break it up.  A spray bar with its own adjustable water valve goes the length of the trommel.  Next, the material approaches the 3/8” holes where anything under 3/8” gets washed down onto the oscillating sluice, and larger material works its way to the end of the trommel.  A nugget trap will catch any heavies and the lighter material will go out the tail cone to the rock chute and discard tray.  The oscillating sluice has settings for stationary, short, & long strokes and is capable of 150 pulses per minute.  The removable sluice has artificial turf, riffles mounted on expanded metal & 4 toggles to secure it into place.  Any light material that gets washed off the sluice goes into the de-watering screw.

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